June 2024: Dr. Rahimo will be presenting at PCIM Europe 2024 in NURNBERG, GERMANY for the Technology Stage to be held on the 11th June 2024 at 11:15AM in hall 7 at booth 7-743. The title of the presentation is "IEC White Paper: Power Semiconductors for an Energy-Wise Society". (
May 2024: Dr. Rahimo will be giving a lecture at the European PhD School in Gaeta Italy to be held between the 27th and 31st May 2024. The title of the lecture is "High Voltage/High Power Semiconductors (Si, SiC)". (index.php (
April 2024: MTAL GmbH is happy to announce the granting of it`s first GB patent in relation to the the Adjustable Hybrid Switch (AHS) concept targeting automotive and renewable power electronics converters with improved performance levels.
December 2023: MTAL GmbH (Dr. Nistor) presented at Bodo`s Wide Bandgap Event the IEC MSB white paper “Power semiconductors for an energy-wise society” which was held in Munich, Germany on the 13th December 2023. (
November 2023: MTAL GmbH (Dr. Rahimo and Dr. Nistor) presented the IEC MSB white paper “Power semiconductors for an energy-wise society” at the IEC Academy and capacity building Webinar on the 29th November 2023. (
October 2023: MTAL GmbH (Dr. Rahimo and Dr. Nistor) attended the IEC launch of the MSB white paper “Power semiconductors for an energy-wise society” at the Cairo, Egypt 2023 87th IEC GENERAL MEETING White Paper seminar on the 27th October 2023. The seminar was held on-line. (
October 2023: Dr. Rahimo has co-authored with the team at FHNW a paper in the Journal of Power Electronic Devices and Components entitled “Life-cycle energy demand comparison of medium voltage Silicon IGBT and Silicon Carbide MOSFET power semiconductor modules in railway traction applications”, Volume 6, October, 2023. (
October 2023: The IEC has published an MSB white paper “Power semiconductors for an energy-wise society” that examines the critical role of power semiconductors in global decarbonization efforts and energy efficiency. The paper takes an in-depth look at expected trends and opportunities, as well as the challenges surrounding the power semiconductors industry. MTAL GmbH was selected by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to be the main project partner for the White Paper Project. (
September 2023: Dr. Rahimo has co-authored with the team at FHNW a paper which wads presented at the EPE'2023 ECCE Europe which was held in Aalborg, Denmark, in September 2023. The paper was entitled “Performance Assessment of the Adjustable Hybrid Switch Converter for E-mobility Applications”. (
September 2023: Dr. Rahimo attended the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM) which was held in Sorrento, Italy from the 17th to the 22nd of September 2023. He was chairing the Technical Program Committee for the conference which was a large success with respect to the quality and quantity of papers and number of attendees. He also gave an oral presentation on advanced SiC MOSFET design concepts. ( During the event, Dr. Rahimo also attended the second EU Horizon project AdvanSiC meeting with the project consortium partners.
September 2023: Dr. Rahimo has co-authored with the team at FHNW and ETH a paper which was presented at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023) in Bilbao, Spain held in September 24-28, 2023. The paper was entitled “Enhancing Efficiency and Reliability of Electric Vehicles via Adaptive E-Gear Control”. (
August 2023: Dr. Rahimo gave an invited presentation at the INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON POWER SEMICONDUCTORS in PRAGUE, CZECH Republic which was held from the 30th August to 1st September 2023. The title of the presentation was "Understanding Power Semiconductor Technology Platforms for Building a Viable and Sustainable Product Roadmap". (
July 2023: Munaf Rahimo and Susana Garcia Alonso celebrate the 5th anniversary of MTAL GmbH. The company has been and is currently serving more than 10 international customers from Europe, Asia and North America.
June 2023: As chair of the Technical Program Committee, Dr. Rahimo attended the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM 2023) TPC meeting for the conference at the The University of Naples, Italy.
May 2023: MTAL GmbH (Dr. Rahimo and Dr. Nistor) and many international experts in the field of power electronics and power semiconductors joined the IEC white paper "Power Semiconductors for an Energy-Wise Society" 2nd workshop 26th-27th May 2023 in FUKUOKA, JAPAN at Mitsubishi Electric Semiconductors headquarters.
May 2023: Dr. Rahimo gave a talk on HV power devices at the PCIM Europe 2023, NURNBERG, GERMANY for the Industry Stage session which was held on the 11th of May at 11.25AM in Hall 7, 480. (
May 2023: Dr. Rahimo gave a key note presentation at the PCIM Europe 2023 in NURNBERG, GERMANY which was held from the 9th to 11th of May 2023 (PCIM Europe – the international event in power electronics ( The title of the keynote was "HV Silicon and SiC Power Semiconductors - Key Components for Sustainable Energy Solutions". (
January 2023: MTAL GmbH (Dr. Rahimo and Dr. Nistor) and many international experts in the field of power electronics and power semiconductors joined the IEC white paper "Power Semiconductors for an Energy-Wise Society" workshop 19th-20th January 2023 in Ratingen, Germany at Mitsubishi Electric Europe headquarters.
January 2023: Dr. Rahimo was elevated to a 2023 IEEE Fellow "for contributions to high-voltage insulated gate bipolar transistors for grid applications". The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved for select members whose exceptional accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest are deemed fitting of this prestigious grade elevation.
December 2022: MTAL GmbH was selected by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to be the main project partner for the White Paper Project "Power Semiconductors for an Energy-Wise Society" which is sponsored by Mitsubishi Electric, Japan.
November 2022: MTAL GmbH will be starting a new 4-year collaboration project SUNSHINE with Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Switzerland to develop an advanced Adjustable Hybrid Switch (AHS) for PV Solar applications. The project is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE and follows the successful completion of project SHINE in 2022.
October 2022: Dr. Rahimo will be chairing the Technical Program Committee for the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM) to be held in Sorrento, Italy from the 17th to the 22nd of September 2023. (
September 2022: Dr. Rahimo gave a tutorial at the WiPDA Europe 2022 in Warwick, UK (IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Europe). The tutorial was held on the 18th of September with the title “High Voltage Blocking Stability and Reliability Challenges for Silicon Carbide Power Devices” (
September 2022: Dr. Rahimo gave a tutorial at the EPE’22 ECCE Europe 2022 conference in Hannover, Germany. The tutorial was held on the 5th of September with the title “Introduction to Si IGBTs and Fast Diodes: design principles, performance requirements and development trends” ( content/uploads/EPE22_Tutorial_05_Announcement_Template_02_Monday_Morning.pdf)
May 2022: Dr. Rahimo presented the paper entitled "Effects of On-State Snap-back Characteristics on the Current Sharing of Parallel RC IGBTs" at the PCIM Europe 2022 in NURNBERG, GERMANY. (PCIM Europe – the international event in power electronics (
January 2022: Dr. Rahimo will be acting as an associated editor in the IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society.
December 2021: Dr. Rahimo has been elected to Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology (FIET). Fellowship is a prestigious honour only granted to individuals who have sustained high levels of achievement within engineering, technology or related disciplines.
October 2021: Dr. Rahimo gave an on-line invited talk entitled "Advancements and Future Development Trends in High Voltage Power Semiconductor Devices" at the the International Academic Forum of Hunan Power Semiconductor Industry Conference and Power Semiconductor Industry Alliance in Zhuzhou, China, on the15th October 2021.
May 2021: MTAL GmbH is collaborating with Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Switzerland to develop an advanced Adjustable Hybrid Switch (AHS) automotive converter concept. The latest technology developments were presented in the paper entitled "An Advanced Adjustable Switch Hybrid (ASH) Concept for High Power Automotive Converters" at the PCIM Europe 2021 which was held digitally from 3rd to 7th of May 2021 (PCIM Europe – the international event in power electronics ( The presentation was given by Dr. Rahimo in the "Automotive Applications II" session on the virtual conference platform on Friday, 7th of May, 2021. (Program - PCIM Europe - Mesago)
September 2020: Dr. Rahimo gave a short course at the 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD 2020) conference in Vienne, Austria in September 2020. The short course title is "Silicon IGBTs and Fast Recovery Diodes for High Power Applications" which will be held digitally on the 13th September 2020 ( Dr. Rahimo will also be presenting two poster papers at the conference.
June 2020: Dr. Rahimo has co-written chapter 5 "Silicon IGBT" in the latest IET book: "Modern Power Electronic Devices: Physics, Applications, and Reliability” edited by Prof. Francesco Iannuzzo. ISBN: 978-1-78561-917-5, 2020. (
January 2020: Dr. Rahimo was co-author of the presentation “To Block or Not to Block, that is the question - towards reliable power semiconductors” which was presented by ABB at the ECPE Workshop Power Semiconductor Robustness in Muncih, Germany on the 13-14 January 2020.
May 2019: Dr. Rahimo has founded a power semiconductor start-up company mqSemi AG based in Switzerland. (
February 2019: Dr. Rahimo gave a presentation "High Power Semiconductors for Medium to High Frequency Resonant Converters" at the ECPE Workshop: New Technologies for Medium-Frequency Solid-State Transformers which was held at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland in February 2019.
February 2019: MTAL GmbH becomes an official member of the swiss collaboration project PECTA (Power Electronic Conversion Technology Annex), which involves many european and international academic and industrial partners. (
August 2018: MTAL GmbH will be collaborating with Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in Switzerland to develop an advanced Adjustable Hybrid Switch (AHS) automotive converter concept. The 4-year project SHINE is funded by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE from 2018 to 2022. (
July 2018: Launch of MTAL GmbH.